About us

“I am only one, But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.“

We had, a long time ago, almost 20 years ago, a very general, somewhat vague idea of ​​what we actually wanted to do. But then, as now, we had a very clear, unmistakable assessment of what we would definitely have to do: to unite, organize, gather, activate around one idea, that of a free and open society that is adorned with solidarity, justice, equality, welfare. Being aware of the sad end of every ideology that has been wiped out by plastic substitutes, virtual heroes, transparent values, we do not give up the right to our own beliefs.

Interview Nataša Milojević: Every engagement of citizens is political

* You were politically active before and after October 5, a member of the people’s parliament, and then for 20 years civically active. What is the difference between political and civic activism? There is no essential difference, especially since it is the same person. I was a Member of Parliament until 2004, and at the same time I was active and supported what is called civil society and civil society activism. That may sound like an empty phrase, but actually the responsibility is the same, the difference is technical, institutional. If you are politically active, a member of a party and a deputy in the Serbian Parliament, you make social changes happen within institutions. Civic activism means that you are the bringer of ideas that contribute to the improvement of those institutional actions. No difference, responsibility is key in any case…


If women knew everything possible in their youth, and could do everything they know in their old age

The population is aging and already every fifth citizen is over 65, and there are more women among them. Poverty and neglect within the family are the most widespread challenges faced by members of the third age. Their specific position stems from exposure to various forms of humiliating treatment, marginalization, discrimination and violence.

Unfulfilled right - tormented justice

There are two types of civil rights in Serbia. Those that have yet to be regulated by law and those in which the famous duo is placed as a bulwark - the absence of political will or the incompetence of institutions. In front of the overgrown ramparts, tortured and tired stands - Justice. We should believe in her or we should laugh in her face, each according to his own conscience.

Appeal of women for peace

We are watching with anxiety and disbelief the strong escalation of the started war and violence in Ukraine caused by the Russian invasion and the interruption of negotiations between the state leaders of Russia and Ukraine. As citizens, we demand from the Government of the Russian Federation to immediately stop war activities, because war is a crime against peace and humanity

Women, conflict, security

A new security and political puzzle for Serbia! About possible answers and reactions to the war in Ukraine, to the NATO strategy, to the new security paradigm. What is the Partnership for Peace and what is Serbia's position in it? Why is Serbia still not a member of the European Union? What does the Women, Peace, Security agenda say? Negotiations and peace - who doesn't care? We are talking about the implementation of security strategies and plans that are in force, about which the citizens of Serbia know almost nothing, because it is hidden from them in official addresses and controlled media. And Serbia, its defense and security forces and the Serbian Army, is implementing its reform according to NATO standards. And participates in joint projects, missions, exercises, trainings. Is membership in the EU a prerequisite for membership in NATO? Or is political and military neutrality the right way?


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